
Responding with Excellence to an Allegation of Sexual Abuse within the Church

It’s not a matter of if, but when, a church is faced with reports of child sexual abuse perpetrated by a member of their own community. How a faith institution confronts and responds to such a disclosure has the potential to save or destroy lives.

Caught in the Spotlight: Christian Leaders who Mishandle Sexual Abuse Disclosures

The dark strategies of some leaders when confronted with the mishandling of abuse disclosures

False Narratives of Christian Leaders Caught in Abuse

Protecting reputations and incomes can be a dishonest & hurtful "business"

Locked in Cells of Silence by Disbelief and Shame

What fuels the silence that extinguishes the hopes & dreams of abuse survivors?

The Many Deceptions of Sex Offenders Who Get Caught and Those Who Believe Them

How the predator weaves a story to pretend to be the victim